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Janie's December 2002 Journal
Sunday 12/1: 5am temp: 97.6 degrees Fahrenheit ~10am: watermelon ~1 or 2 pm: 1 pomegranate; 3 tangerines; 1/2 kiwi ~4 or 5pm: 4 HI apple bananas ~7 or 7:30pm: salad (~12 cups lettuce, ~1 cup mizuna, ~1 cup baby tat tsai, ~1 cup or so katuk) with dressing (2 Tbsp. tahini, 4 Tbsp. lemon juice, 3/4 large tomato) Detox: I didn't make it to sleep as early as I wanted last night, but it was a tad earlier than Friday... I did sleep in this morning though & am feeling quite spiffy now! :-) Female: breast tenderness continued - not really that bad, I only notice it when I'm laying on my side or tum-tum. ;-) Monday 12/2: 3:50am temp: 97.3 degrees Fahrenheit watermelon 2 slices leftover pie 3 HI apple bananas 3 tangerines I forgot to note the time, sorry - but the food's all there... I skipped the salad today 'cause of the pie - I'm trying to keep the fat down & the pie has nuts. I don't have lettuce good enough to eat without dressing right now. Our garden's growing pretty well though, so I might have some good lettuce in a bit! :-) Exercise: I did some jumping jacks, belly dance moves, stretching, yoga postures, etc. in the evening, but it wasn't as much as I used to do. It was getting late... Female: My menses started this morning. That makes this last cycle 27 days long - pretty average for me raw or not. I still have a bit of breast tenderness in the evening but that part's mainly over... Flow was pretty normal (now) for the first day. I used a tampon 'cause I had business meetings and wore white pants. Only needed 2 tampons all day. I'm pretty sure the tampons give me cramps though - it seems that every time I use them I get cramps & not when I don't. As I said last month, I'm using organic unbleached cotton ones so it shouldn't be chemicals, must be a physical thing. Maybe my body's trying to get rid of it or something... Tuesday 12/3: 7am temp: 97.3 degrees Fahrenheit ~10am: watermelon ~2pm: 5 or 6 HI apple bananas ~9pm: salad (~16 or so cups lettuce) with dressing (2 Tbsp. tahini, 4 Tbsp. lemon juice, 1 large tomato, 1 large cherry tomato, 1 roma tomato) I ate way too late tonight, but I guess it worked out 'cause I stayed up too late too. ;-) Yeah, I know, that's not really working out - it's worse. I'll try to sleep in tomorrow. My hubby went all raw today too! :-) He had a hard time of it - was wanting to drink orange & lilikoi (passion fruit) juices rather than eating bananas for a while. He had a hard time getting enough calories. He had lots of watermelon, the juices, only about 5 or 6 bananas & a salad like mine (with a few tangerines). Exercise: Kind of the same stuff as yesterday with a bit of dancing & hopping around 'cause I was so happy to have somebody to eat raw with. ;-) Female: Well, I'm not ready to skip the tampons and/or pads yet. It seemed like I might be able to skip them at first today but then at one point I had a major gush & had to run to the bathroom. LOL Good thing I was home (although I would've used a tampon if I went out). I wasn't doing anything in particular so I think it was just timing. I used 2 tampons after that, so my flow for the rest of the day seemed like a pre-raw regular second day flow. I guess the tampons aren't giving me cramps after all 'cause I used 'em today & didn't get cramps... Wednesday 12/4: 5:30am temp: 97.1 degrees Fahrenheit ~noon or so: watermelon 5pm: ~=8 HI apple bananas (was actually many more small ones with bad ends...) 7:30pm: 2 tangerines; salad (~12 cups of: lettuce, mizuna, katuk, baby tat tsai, arugula & some chopped celery) with dressing (2Tbsp. tahini, 4Tbsp. lemon juice, ~1/8 large tomato, 2 roma tomatoes, 1/2 large cherry tomato) Well, sleeping in this morning to make up for my lost sleep didn't work out like I planned. I did take an hour long nap this afternoon to try to make up for it, but still have quite a bit to catch up on. Our son & I usually start homeschooling at 10am daily. He has the option of getting started earlier to finish earlier & took us up on it this morning. This made my sleep even shorter, but it's a rare thing for him to do this (only happened once before). I wanted to go with it to encourage it to happen more often. We were done with school by noon, which was nice for both of us. :-) I had lots more time to work on my clients' accounts and all - and even take the nap during his PE class with my hubby. :-) I should have already gone to bed... oops! I'll just post this last one & go to sleep. I was getting behind on posting the logs... My hubby went all raw today again! This is his second day! :-) He had lots of watermelon today, some starfruit, about 4 HI apple bananas, a tangerine and salad just like mine (maybe more stuff, but that's all I know about). Now we need to go to the store & farmer's market tomorrow 'cause we're about all out of produce. LOL With 2 of us eating this way it goes faster - good thing the farmer's market is tomorrow. Exercise: about a half hour of almost bounce stuff on the rebounder, then an hour of the Callanetics stuff that I had on video - but from memory. (Our son took the VCR into his room earlier in the day & I didn't want to deal with moving it back and all). The Callanetics involve some of my usual stretches, so I just added on the ones it didn't. I feel much better now that I've exercised more. I'm noticing the difference much more now & I love exercising still, just have been so busy - well, you know. I'm going to make a point of taking more time off. Detox: I'm still having nasal mucus off and on & every once in a while it sounds/feels like its in my ears. It doesn't hurt though, so I figure it's working itself out & not infected... This may sound strange, but my underarms smelled really good today - the way they did when I used to exercise a lot & turned vegan in college. It's kind of like a perfume, but without the strong synthetic or overpowering thing of essential oils. Cool! I know it did this for a while a few months back after turning raw. Hope it lasts - I like it. Although, if it doesn't, the basic neutral's fine too. (I haven't had to wear deodorant for quite some time - since a bit after going raw again. It happened last time I went raw & the time I was strictly natural hygiene vegan, even with cooked). Female: Still like a regular pre-raw cycle flow-wise today... Thursday 12/5: 4am temp: 97.0 degrees Fahrenheit 10am: watermelon ~2pm: 5 HI apple bananas ~7pm: 3 tangerines; salad (~14 or so cups: lettuce, mizuna, katuk, baby tat tsai, arugula, chopped cabbage with a bit of chopped celery & mung sprouts) with dressing (2Tbsp. tahini - heaping Tbsp. today ;-), 5Tbsp. lemon juice, 2 roma tomatoes) Hubby went all raw again today. He had some almonds with his salad, but basically had what I did for dinner & breakfast. I forgot what he ate for lunch... it probably was lots of dates and a few bananas. Exercise: walking around town, to/from farmer's market, etc., gardening, 1/2hr belly dance w/video, stretching, etc. Detox: Just the nasal mucus... oh yeah, and a touch of the sensation & hearing of fluid in my right ear - deep inside... not hurting though. Female: Cycle tapering off like a pre-raw cycle... Friday 12/6: 5am temp: 97.3 degrees Fahrenheit ~9am: pineapple - about 2 cups? I can't eat much before it gets to my tongue... ~1pm: 8 HI apple bananas ~7 or 7:30pm: 2 tangerines; salad (~14 or so cups: lettuce, mizuna, katuk, baby tat tsai, arugula, snow peas, chopped cabbage with a bit of chopped celery & mung sprouts) with dressing (2Tbsp. tahini, 5Tbsp. lemon juice, 2 roma tomatoes) Wow! My hubby's doing great with all raw! He's a bit low on the calories & a bit high on the fat - but isn't too far off & he's just starting off again so he's doing fantastic IMO. Exercise: 20min. almost bounce rebounding, some dancing (forgot to log time), stretches, gardening (~2 hours of weeding tiny little weeds - lots of squats of various kinds in the process in order to reach them without touching our 4'-5' wide garden beds...), stretching... Detox: Just the nasal mucus in the morning again... The eye crust/gook is tapering off now - I wonder if it has to do with going back to more exercise? Female: My menses is over - no more flow at all, no spotting, nada. Think it's 'cause I used a tampon yesterday... it must have gotten it all. I know, I know, shouldn't use those things - even if they're organic and unbleached and all. Maybe eventually I'll kick that habit again. Saturday 12/7: 5am temp: 97.1 degrees Fahrenheit ~10:30am: watermelon ~noon: 2 cucumbers ~2 or 3pm: 22 rambutan ~4 or 5pm: 9 HI apple bananas ~7 or 7:30pm: salad (~14 or so cups: lettuce, mizuna, katuk, baby tat tsai, arugula, snow peas, chopped cabbage with a bit of chopped celery & mung sprouts) with dressing (2Tbsp. tahini, 5Tbsp. lemon juice, 3 roma tomatoes) Hubby's still going strong with the raw food! :-) It's so fun to sit down & eat with him. We ate the watermelon, rambutan & salad together today. I gave our son some raw broccoli florets, sunflower sprouts and lettuce to eat while he was playing his computer games. He munched all of it except the lettuce - it was too bitter. He would have eaten the lettuce otherwise, so I gave him the rest of the cabbage head & he ate it all. I gave him a couple of handfuls of almonds too & that's what he ate for dinner. Cool! I think I may be onto something... Now we just need to stock up on cabbage, almonds, sunflower sprouts, etc. & wait for our garden lettuce to get old enough to eat. Maybe our son'll start converting himself to raw too! :-) Exercise: My regular workout with my friend at her gym was canceled today - both of our schedules changed this week so it didn't work out. I didn't do much official exercise today as a result. I just did a bit more of gardening & weeding, some walking, and some stretches. Detox: About the same... Sunday 12/8: ~5am temp: 96.9 degrees Fahrenheit ~9 or 10am: watermelon ~1pm: 15 rambutan ~4pm: 5 or 6 HI apple bananas ~7pm: salad (~14 or so cups: lettuce, mizuna, katuk, baby tat tsai, arugula (~2 leaves), with a bit of chopped celery & ~1 medium leaf basil) with dressing (2Tbsp. tahini, 5Tbsp. lemon juice, 2 roma tomatoes) LOL - I woke up this morning to the sound of our son playing with the macadamia nuts we have. He's 14 now, but was fiddling with them like marbles. He had also spent much of the morning before I got up cracking them open with a hammer for himself and our dog (she really loves mac nuts BTW). I guess the good raw dinner allowed him to get up early & inspired him to eat the mac nuts for breakfast. I made him a salad tonight 'cause we're out of the stuff he'll eat raw & the lettuce is still the bitter stuff. Yes, my hubby's still eating all raw & ate all his meals with me today - although he also had a couple of grapefruits while I had my tangerines before dinner... and I think had dates in addition to bananas (but less bananas). I think he also had a bit more snack meals here and there during the day of pineapple and/or apple. Exercise: belly dancing, walking, gardening, stretching Detox: Same - nasal mucus & bit of ear fluid waaay inside somewhere... Monday 12/9: 5am temp: 97.0 degrees Fahrenheit ~10am: watermelon ~2pm: 11 HI apple bananas ~5pm: 2 small tangerine; (~14 or so cups: lettuce, mizuna, katuk, baby tat tsai, arugula) with dressing (2Tbsp. tahini, 5Tbsp. lemon juice, 1 roma tomato) It's looking like my hubby's going to be staying raw for quite some time now. He seems to be settling down into more of a rhythm & 'getting it' on how to get enough calories, deal with his cravings, etc. IMO he needs to up the bananas and/or dates and cut out the almonds (since he's getting his fat from the salad dressing & they don't combine) eventually, but that's up to him. He's been able to breathe much better at night (has always had a problem with his nose at night except when eating raw), but hasn't been able to sleep as much. He's been excited about the project we're doing & hasn't been tired, but has been trying to sleep anyway. He got an adjustment today (first in over a year) and he was feeling really good afterwards. (He had thrown his neck out on Friday & was dealing with it off and on during the weekend). I had another follow-up chiro. appt. today & he said that my change in diet & lifestyle is doing my spine well too. He said that some of my historical problem areas (I've been seeing him fairly regularly for a couple of years) have stabilized & that my body seems to be restructuring itself well. He said that there's a bit of stress on it from the increased muscles & fast changes, but it's improving quite well. This is great! It seems like I may be getting close to not needing the maintenance so much anymore. (My son and hubby only need to see him about half or less as often as I do - even when they've hurt themselves & I haven't). I haven't told him how I changed my diet - just that I improved it and increased my exercise. He's pretty into the holistic medicine and macrobiotics, etc. so I didn't think he'd be into it. Maybe after I'm in even better shape I'll let him know - unless he asks specifically before then. ;-) Exercise: ~10min. almost bounce on rebounder & light stretching in the morning before my chiro. appt., walking to/from chiro. office twice, stretches and then the 20min. almost bounce rebounder thing in evening before turning it into a 15min. run/sprint on the rebounder & 5 min. cool-down, some deep squats to music for fun, stepping up and down onto/off of a kitchen chair (high step for me) for a while - thought about counting them but skipped it..., lunge walks up and back our hall a couple of times, about 10 min. or so of trying to lift my legs up stiffly in a straddle while sitting on the ground & hands on floor between my legs (it's a gymnastics thing - forgot what it's called) - I could at least raise them a bit, but not far & not for very long... I'll get better at it with practice though - it is the first time I've tried... oh yeah, more stretches & a bit of jumping around - oh, and some leg lifts upwards with knees bent while on 3 of my all-fours ;-) It felt so good to really exercise again! :-) Detox: morning nasal mucus and a touch of sneezing on my walk to the chiro. in the morning - think it was the freshly cut grass in juxtaposition to my waking (while the mucus was still around). I think the almost bounce thing helps with my nasal mucus - helps it resolve itself. Every time I do it while I've got the mucus it goes away... Tuesday 12/10: 6am temp: 96.9 degrees Fahrenheit ~11am: watermelon (not much) ~2pm: 7 or 8 HI apple bananas ~4pm: 1 cucumber ~6:30pm: salad (~14 or so cups: lettuce, mizuna, katuk, baby tat tsai & one arugula leaf & cut 1/2 leaf of basil) with dressing (2Tbsp. tahini, 5Tbsp. lemon juice, 1 large tomato) My hubby's been all raw for a week now!!! Yay! He's getting a bit bored with how I eat the same things all the time though, so I think he's going to start trying to invent new dressings, etc. He blended the tahini, tomato and lemon juice with his 1/2 of basil leaf tonight & liked it. (He's much better at preventing the tomato foam than I am with the blender & did a good job of it). I loaned my copy of Dr. D.'s High Energy Diet Recipe Guide to a friend. I'll have to get it back for him. :-) We had some good lettuce today so our son ate a bunch of it for dinner. :-) Exercise: I did a 20min. almost bounce thing on the rebounder & some stretching. I kept it light today 'cause I'm still easing myself back into the full on exercise & since I did more yesterday it felt like I should make this next day light. My right calf and hamstring muscles were a bit tight today too - I don't remember ever feeling that in my calves before. My calves have always been so developed from all the walking I used to do that I usually don't ever feel results in them - even after weights, etc. I actually think it may have been from overstretching a bit rather than working out - hard to say. I don't remember doing anything in particular & it seems like something that will go away in a day or two... Detox: morning nasal mucus that pretty much went away with my rebounder thing in the morning. It came back in the evening when I was tired too... Wednesday 12/11: 5am temp: 97.1 degrees Fahrenheit ~11am: pineapple (2 or 3 cups or so - was able to eat a bit more than usual today - didn't even get tongue burn) ~4pm: 6 or so HI apple bananas (I forgot to count & my pile was mixed with hubby's) ~6:30pm: water from one young coconut; salad (~16 or so cups: lettuce, salad mix, katuk, mizuma, baby tat tsai, arugula; 1 basil leaf, a few parsley leaves) with dressing (2Tbsp. tahini, 5Tbsp. lemon juice, 1 large tomato) My hubby had bananas, dates, apples, water & jelly meat from young coconut, salad like mine with his dressing blended and some other raw stuff today. Since he's going so strongly with the raw now, I'll just say what he eats & let you know if he eats any cooked again... I think our son may do more and more raw as time goes on - especially if my hubby stays raw too. Our son's showed a lot more interest in eating raw now that my hubby's 'lasting' as my son put it. ;-) Exercise: Just a bit of walking, almost bounce thing on the rebounder & brief stretches off and on during the day Detox: nothing new - about the same... Thursday 12/12: 7am temp (oops! forgot to bring alarm back to bedside): 97.1 degrees Fahrenheit 11:30am: 4 asian apple-pears - yum! 1:30pm: water from 1 young coconut ~7pm: 3 or 4 tangerines; salad (~16 cups: lettuce & salad mix that has arugula, mizuna, kale, tat tsai, parsley, dill, etc. in addition to the lettuces) with the regular dressing (2Tbsp. tahini, 5Tbsp. lemon juice, 1.25 large tomatoes) I know my hubby ate all raw today, but I'm not sure what he had in all. He's not keeping away from some of the things I am so he made a blended dressing for his salad tonight that had a small onion & a touch of hot pepper in it - as well as tahini and almond butter. It kind of smelled like cooked food at times when he was eating it & I thought he should have our son taste some. I thought maybe he'd be into it too. My hubby thought that it wasn't our son's style - raw onions. Funny though, our son had been in his room & came out saying that he smelled cooked food & thought my hubby had 'caved.' LOL Our son thought he would want some until he got a close-up sniff. I guess we were both right. It could have been the tahini rather than the raw onion that turned our son off to it - he hates tahini. My hubby loved it though. ;-) Exercise: walking to/from the farmer's market twice (had to make trips with my hubby in order to carry everything! LOL) Detox: no new news here Friday 12/13: 5am temp: 96.7 degrees Fahrenheit (I don't know how accurate this is - I stayed up 'till 2am, and you're supposed to have at least 3 hours of uninterrupted sleep beforehand...) 9am: 2 asian apple-pears ~2pm: snacked on watermelon while carving a seal garnish thing in one - I agreed to donate one to a non-profit educational organization here that was doing a fund-raiser today. I've posted a photo of it below. :-) ~3:30pm: 9 HI apple bananas ~7pm: 3 tangerines; salad (~15 cups salad mix that had all kinds of stuff in it besides lettuce - arugula, mizuna, kale, tat tsai, etc. - I added some sunflower sprout/greens) with the reg. dressing (2Tbsp. tahini, 5Tbsp. lemon juice, 9 or 10 cherry tomatoes) It was fun doing the garnish thing. I carved the stuff & our son did the melon balls. It was funny too - the eye kept on wanting to pop out about 15 seconds or so after being placed in its spot. I finally got it to stay, or so I thought, but it had popped out in the car on the way to delivering it. It slid down underneath all the melon balls & we just left it there. LOL The space it left still looked like an eye, so it worked out okay. Everyone loved it, so it did its purpose anyway. I think this garnish thing is really a good thing for bringing food to a 'mainstream' potluck. People are so into the garnish that they don't even think about how it's raw (unless they're inclined to do so). Anyway, it makes the dish seem special & all - without having to miscombine, or even combine foods. Cool! I like this! :-) Exercise: I did some stuff on the rebounder & some stretching... Detox: I'm still having the nasal mucus stuff in the mornings (& late at night if I stay up). I think I might be at-risk for another sty too - 'cause my lower right eyelid has been itchy & a bit crusty even in the daytime... We'll see what happens with it. Saturday 12/14: 5am temp: 96.8 degrees Fahrenheit I can't remember what I had for breakfast, but I did have something light... ~10am: some longans - there were quite a few bad ones, so it was hard to keep count - I think I ate the equivalent of 15 of them. ~noon or 1pm: HI apple bananas - not sure how many I ate & how many hubby ate... the peels were all in the same pile. We ate 14 all together ~3:30 or 4pm: 2 cucumbers ~9pm: salad (~18 cups really good salad mix of all baby lettuces - yum!) with the regular dressing (2Tbsp. tahini, 5Tbsp. lemon juice, 11 cherry tomatoes) I went to visit my friend & workout with her like a regular Saturday, but was quite late. My friend went to her house & I automatically went there rather than the gym for some reason (not knowing she was there). I just parked on auto-pilot in my regular place, which is 2 spaces in front of her car. As I turned off my car I realized that I was supposed to go to the gym, not her house. Then I remembered that I just parked in front of her car - or what I thought was her car. I looked back & it looked like her car, but I couldn't be sure... I thought that maybe she came home since I was so late & thought I'd check the time to see how late it was. I took my clock out of my purse & saw that I was indeed quite late, so figured I should go see if she's home & if that's really her car on the way. I put my clock back in my purse & got out of the car. After taking a few steps away from the car I realized that I put the clock in my purse, not my keys - or couldn't remember putting the keys there like usual. I checked and - yes, I had locked my keys in the car! That's the first time in my life that I've ever done that. I spent much of the time I was there calling my hubby & figuring out what to do about it. He didn't have his keys, wasn't home (in fact, I had dropped him off there on the way), and we don't have AAA roadside service here... He got a ride home, looked for the spare key in the files & couldn't find it. He also couldn't find my friend's phone number so couldn't call me. He drove back into town to where we had dropped off our son & called me from there (our son had the number). My hubby then went & picked me up, then we picked up our son, went home & looked for the key - or my hubby's keys (he misplaced them a couple of weeks ago & had been using my copy of his car key - this is not unusual for him though). At one point my hubby suddenly realized that he had put a hide-a-key on my car when he was using it a lot (and accidentally locking himself out). We had both forgotten about it 'cause it had been a few years since he used it last. ROFL - We, embarrassed & laughing, called my friend and asked her to check to see if it was still there. It was, so we drove out there to pick up the car again. It was about 5pm that I called my hubby & told him I locked myself out of the car & 9 or 10pm when we realized that I could have just used the hide-a-key & side-stepped all the hassle. Oh well - it turned out well actually. We visited with my friend, hung out and talked for a while when we got there & it was really fun. I guess that eventhough the raw food was allowing us to function quite well despite what we had been putting our bodies through (lack of sleep and rushed business work), it was quite apparent at that point that our cognitive abilities were somewhat compromised anyway. ;-) It's funny that we both didn't remember the hide-a-key for all of that time (as well as me locking myself out to begin with). I guess we were also thrown off by me having locked myself out - we weren't used to that. My hubby said that maybe I should mess up more often so we'd be able to deal with it better. I said that I think I might. ;-) My hubby's not keeping track of his food much & I don't always notice it all - he is still eating all raw though. He's miscombining from time to time & eating more than 10% fat, but otherwise is eating about the same way I am. Exercise: I didn't get any in particular today - meant to workout with my friend, but the car thing messed that up.. Detox: I think the lower lid sty is forming, but it's still at the point where it could change its mind too... Sunday 12/15: 5:15am temp: 96.4 degrees Fahrenheit (I stayed up 'till 1am last night too - so I guess it could be off again...) ~10am: almost 1/2 of a 14 lb. watermelon ~2pm: the rest of the watermelon (just about 5 or so bites) ~4 or 5pm: 11 HI apple bananas ~7pm: salad (~16 or so cups good salad mix of all baby lettuces - yum!) with the regular dressing (2Tbsp. tahini, 5Tbsp. lemon juice, 1 med. tomato) Exercise: Uh, what's that? ;-) I just stretched a bit before bed today - real busy with work and all. I miss it though (which is different than pre-raw) Detox: Yep. I'm getting a sty on my lower lid. Oh well. I'll have to work on it again. Too bad that last time wasn't the last - eventually I guess. At least this one's not all clogged... Monday 12/16: 5am temp: 96.9 degrees Fahrenheit 1 or 2pm: 15 rambutan 3pm: 6 HI apple bananas ~6:30 or 7pm: 1/2 avocado, 3 carrots grated, 1 long asian cucumber, ~1 or 2 cups fresh parsley, ~ 8 or 10 cups lettuce We were out of tomatoes today so it was time to get a bit creative with the dressings (especially since I couldn't have nuts or seeds once I had the avocado). My hubby was eating an avocado tonight right before I started making dinner & I tasted the other half. Usually I don't like more than 2 bites lately, but this time was different. I was into it, so I ate almost the whole half before not wanting it anymore. Then I wanted just plain lettuce - bad, so I had some - yum! I then realized I couldn't have my regular dressing & salad, but the lettuce was tasting pretty good so I figured I'd have lettuce alone. I then thought I'd have some parsley too. Then I remembered how I've been wanting to have a grated carrots & parsley salad sometime soon, so decided to have it tonight. After I had the carrots grated & the parsley cut, I realized that if I put the lemon I planned to put onto it I'd be mis-combining like I did with the beet & lemon dressing. I didn't want to do that again, so I skipped the lemon. It was still really good. I then got the idea to make lettuce wraps with it all - slices of cucumber, the carrot salad & then tiny avocado slices all on top of & wrapped by lettuce leaves. It tasted great & was a fun change. I thought my hubby'd be into it 'cause he's been getting bored with my regular, but he wasn't. He had his own thing going - made a dressing in the blender with cucumbers, tahini, lemon, a bit of the carrots & I'm not sure what else. He liked it. :-) Our son had a plain lettuce salad with my pre-raw (& last time raw) salad dressing (olive oil, nutritional yeast, lemon juice, Bragg's Liquid Aminos). He loves that dressing & he eats more salads because of it. Even though he'll eat lettuce plain much of the time, he'll usually eat the salad with that dressing if he's passing on the plain lettuce. I wish he liked tahini... Maybe my hubby'll come up with something without the yeast & Braggs that our son will like. Exercise: a long walking the dog walk with my family (PE for our son) - we jogged a bit too. It was fun. :-) Oh, and I also did the almost bounce thing on the rebounder today for about 25 min. Detox: Gosh, the sty's not that bad, but now I've got two more - one beside it and one on the upper lid above it. I know it happens sometimes, but I don't have to like it. Oh well. I did a hot compress for them tonight - I guess I'll be doing this again for a while.. Tuesday 12/17: 5am temp: 36.0 degrees Celcius - I need to convert it, but don't have the formula handy. I haven't needed to do that since I was in school... ~10am: water from 1 young coconut ~1pm: 15 rambutan ~3 or 4pm: 9 HI apple bananas ~7pm: salad Wednesday 12/18: 5am temp.: 36.2 degrees Celcius ~10:30am: water from 1 young coconut ~noon: watermelon ~4pm: 11 or so small HI apple bananas ~6:30pm: 2 tangerines; salad Thursday 12/19: 5am temp: 97.7 degrees Fahrenheit 9 or 9:30am: watermelon noon: 6 HI apple bananas salad Friday 12/20: 5am temp: 97.7 degrees Fahrenheit watermelon ~13 rambutan ~6 HI apple bananas 2 tangerines; 1/2 chayote sliced & 1/2 cucumber sliced dipped in dressing before tomato solids added; salad (~16 or so cups: salad mix of baby lettuces, baby tat tsai, mizuna, arugula) with dressing (2 Tbsp. tahini, 5 Tbsp. lemon juice, 1 regular tomato) Saturday 12/21: 5am temp: 97.9 degrees Fahrenheit 2 cucumbers `8 HI apple bananas 3 tangerines; salad (~16 or 17 cups salad mix of baby lettuces) with regular dressing (2 Tbsp. tahini, 5 Tbsp. lemon juice, 1 regular tomato) Sunday 12/22: 5am temp: 98.2 degrees Fahrenheit 1 cucumber 5 HI apple bananas 1 cucumber 4 or 5 HI apple bananas 3 tangerines; salad (~15 or so cups lettuce with a few baby tat tsai & mizuna leaves) with dressing (2Tbsp. tahini, 5Tbsp. lemon juice, 1 regular tomato, ~7 med. basil leaves chopped) Monday 12/23: 7am temp: 98.2 degrees Fahrenheit 2 cucumbers 7 or 8 HI apple bananas 3 tangerines; salad (~15 or so cups lettuce with baby tat tsai, mizuna & arugula) with dressing (2Tbsp. tahini, 5Tbsp. lemon juice, 1 regular tomato, ~7 med. basil leaves chopped) Tuesday 12/24: 7am temp: 98.2 degrees Fahrenheit 1 cucumber 6 or 7 HI apple bananas (from grocery store at shopping mall) ~12-15 rambutan with hubby :-) (I'm not sure exactly how many I ate, but I think it's about this much) 3 tangerines; salad (~17 cups of lettuce, ~2 cups mizuna, ~1 cup baby tat tsai all from our garden - cool!) with dressing (2 Tbsp. tahini, 5Tbsp. lemon juice, 1 regular tomato, ~1 cup chopped basil (from garden), ~1 cup chopped arugula) Yay! Our lettuce is finally truly ready for harvesting in a regular fashion. It's also sooo good, much better than anything we've had in years - almost the quality of what we used to do when growing organic baby greens and salad mix for a living. Oooh - yum! My hubby & I went out in the huge crowds (for here) to do some last minute shopping & got stuck in town longer than we planned. I got real hungry & hadn't brought my bananas. Luckily there was a grocery store in the shopping mall where we were at the time. It had an organic section that was all veggies & some local apple bananas (along with the usual chemi. stuff). I was able to find some bananas ripe enough to eat & got them. It was kinda' cool to be able to get food even in this store (I didn't used to be able to find much I wanted there before & would end up eating at a restaurant, which wasn't organic either). Many of the bananas here are grown without anything done to them, so there was a 50/50 chance they were fine anyway. It hit the spot & I was ready for more shopping. :-) BTW, FYI my hubby was doing fine 'cause he had gotten some stuff to eat at the HFS when we went there earlier. He had forgotten to bring his breakfast & I had just eaten mine at the time. Wednesday 12/25: 5am temp: 98.0 degrees Fahrenheit 10 or 10:30am: 1 cucumber ~noon: 3 or so HI apple bananas ~5pm: 2 slices of the raw pie I made for my friend for Christmas ;-) soup: ~2Tbsp. tahini, ~6 or so Tbsp. lemon juice, 1 tomato, 4 basil leaves in blender - put into bowl then cut cubes of 1/2 large chayote squash, slices of 1 stalk celery, and another tomato & small cut pieces of basil My hubby thought the idea of my soup was icky so didn't try it. I absolutely LOVED it! LOL Individual tastes... I have been thinking about tahini soup a lot lately though. I used to make one with tahini, hijiki, lemon and Bragg's the last time I was eating raw. I really loved it for a while, then it became nauseating to me so I stopped eating it. Now that I'm back to raw & not doing seaweed or Bragg's, this is my equivalent. It seems like so much more tahini when it's a soup. I think I might have it again tomorrow & eat our yummy lettuce plain on the side. I made some Christmas cookie thingies with the leftover raw pie crust & some banana slices & date pieces. He liked them. There's a picture of it below. I didn't have any 'cause I had the pie this afternoon & had just had the soup... One of my friends has been doing lots more raw food for the last 3 months. I brought her some of my birthday pie & she liked it. She wanted to get the ingredients and make one together sometime and we just haven't gotten around to it yet. This made it perfect for a present - I bought her a nice glass pie plate & whatever ingredients I could find in season right now. I pre-soaked the almonds overnight & the raisins in the morning. I packed it all in a cooler & brought it to her house today with my food processor. It was fun. We talked while I made the pie in her food processor - didn't need mine after all. When I was done she shared it with me. :-) I didn't use any dates in the crust this time & liked it better, so it was just soaked almonds and soaked raisins. I put a layer of red pear slices down, then a layer of persimmon, then another layer of red pear & tried a different persimmon but didn't use it 'cause it wasn't ready enough, so the final layer consisted of banana slices. I did an solid upper crust (she likes it that way) and decorated it with sliced bananas around the perimeter & a design of them in the center. I didn't take a picture of it 'cause I wasn't home, but it looked pretty much like the other pies I've made. I've been straying a bit from the 80/10/10 thing fat-wise lately - as well as from my exercise plan. I plan to go back soon though. I wonder if there's some sort of relationship between my inactivity and increased desire & consumption of fat? I wonder which came first... Thursday 12/26: 5am temp: 97.6 degrees Fahrenheit ~7 HI apple bananas ~7:30 or 8pm: tangerines, soup & lettuce... soup: ~2Tbsp. tahini, ~6 or so Tbsp. lemon juice, 2 tomatoes, 4 basil leaves in blender - put into bowl then cut cubes of 1/4 large chayote squash, slices of 1 stalk celery, ~5 yellow & 1 red cherry tomatoes, and then sprinkled part of a brocoli floret, alfalfa sprouts & a few baby basil leaves on top - beautiful! Concurrent with the soup I had a plate of our garden lettuce with the sections from 3 large tangerines arranged all around the perimeter. I almost took a photo, but was a bit busy with work stuff so didn't. Maybe next time. ;-) Friday 12/27: 6:45am temp: 98.0 degrees Fahrenheit